+7(3412) 905-410 завод в Ижевске
+7(49237) 6-05-44 завод в Киржаче
Every components batch passes acceptance inspection at the production plant.
Every components batch is subjected to incoming inspection directly at IZTT that excludes the installation of defective parts.
Between every operation (at each production site), the parts pass sampling, including the cut parts measurements, paint quality control, intermediate assembly units control. All this ensures timely identification and elimination of possible defects.
Quality of the assembly inspection is an integral part of the production process. At the assembly line each assembly part passes fastening quality control and is inspected for compliance with geometrics, absence of deformation, etc.
Every unit coming down the production line passes the mandatory inspection. IZTT inspection department carries out 100% visual and mechanical control of every electric connection on the existence of visible wires damages, contacts and insulation materials, the quality of the cable lugs mounting. All this allows excluding the failure caused by poor electrical connections and ensures normal operation of every product unit.
After entering the warehouse and before sending to the customer the products pass one more inspection on the workability. The samples are withdrawn from each batch for the full testing in the operational mode. If there are some defects, all the party is tested.. These inspections are carried out in the IZTT testing laboratory.
Such an approach to the quality control of the products allowed IZTT in the shortest time to establish itself as a reliable and responsible partner, for whom a qualitative component of the work is a priority for further development. The degree of reliability of the products has already been appreciated by the leading companies, both domestic and foreign origin.