Climate World Fairs 2015


Managers of Commercial Department of IZTT attended the Climate World Fairs 2015 – biggest Russian HVAC&R equipment project.

At the Fair sites the competitors shared experiences with each other, learn about  our innovative products.
There was the booth with Stella curtains series of RUSKLIMAT company. The Stella curtains are powerful curtains for the spaces with high requirements to the appliance appearance. Symmetrical
design of the curtain body from stainless steel is perfect for any modern interior.

There was range of different models performed from different kind of stainless steel.
BRIZ company represented new vertical air curtain with water heat exchanger.
Ballu trade mark presented newly designed remote control with electrical thermostat and energy safe  motor for air curtains.
The Fair participation resulted in mutually beneficial business contacts for 2015 year.